4. Mass Tourism

Case study Tenerife    (2/8)

Land Use Change

Not only are cities and other settlements growing on Tenerife, but also other forms of land use or land cover are changing or being displaced by others. Get an overview of the land cover changes from 1978 until 2002.

Tenerife 1978

Satellite image of Tenerife in 1978.
Source: Landsat

Satellite images can provide information about many aspects of the land's surface, which is used for several interpretations. To analyse land use and land use change over time, it is helpful to classify the satellite data.

Classification of satellite images


Tasks: Compare the satellite images and classifications of Tenerife of 1978 and 2002.
1. Where are the changes of land use most visible?
2. What are the causes? Follow the progress of development.

Tenerife 2002

Satellite image of Tenerife in 2002.
Source: Landsat
But why is the island changing this much?

Additional material:

Land use change on the whole island
Consideration of the case study El Médano