Supplement 2.6: Differentials and derivatives   (4/4)

The current velocity as an example of a vector

The formalism given so far is valid not only for scalar quantities such as the temperature but also for vectors, for example the velocity vector. When replacing in the equation

dT dt = T t + v T

T by v, it becomes:

d v dt = v t +( v ) v

The notations 'Lagrangian and Eulerian form' as well as 'convective term' are used in the same way. Special attention has to be payed to the bracketing, though. What does it mean?

The term v T in the example of temperature is the scalar product of the vectors v and T. The order of multiplication is not of importance in this case: is is also correct to calculate v at first and further multiply the scalar result with T.

However, the term v is not defined, which is why the order of multiplication is of importance here. This is clarified by the brackets in the term ( v ) v . The dot product in brackets becomes

v =u x +v y +w z

and the result - a scalar - is multiplied with v,

( v ) v =u v x +v v y +w v z

its Cartesian components:

( v )u=u u x +v u y +w u z ( v )v=u v x +v v y +w v z ( v )w=u w x +v w y +w w z
Task 5: Nabla operator and velocity vector

Hence, the total derivative of the velocity in components becomes:

du dt = u t +u u x +v u y +w u z
dv dt = v t +u v x +v v y +w v z
dw dt = w t +u w x +v w y +w w z

These are the fundamental kinematic relations used for the physical description of currents: they specify the acceleration of deformable media such as air and water.

When adding other acceleration terms which result from forces as the cause and effect of acceleration, the hydrodynamic momentum equation will be obtained. If friction belongs to the forces, the result will be the Navier Stokes equation of hydrodynamics.

Mechanics of mass points and of deformable media


The following graph shows the trajectories of surface drifters, with a colour bar in this example, which shows the drifting speed in m/s. It is revealed that the drifting speed is very variable and additionally can take on high values in the open sea. This is an example of the Lagrangian representation of currents.

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Drifting routes near the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico
Trajectories of 18 surface drifters in the surrounding of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. The colour bar shows the drifting speed in m/s.
Source: Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observation System (Caribbean IOOS).

The next graphics shows a time series of ocean currents over two days in Lower Saxony's Wadden Sea near Spiekeroog island. The diagramme shows the current speed, which is characterised by the half-day cycle of the tides, and the current direction which is dominated by the north-south direction through Spiekeroog's tidal inlet. This is an example of the Eulerian representation of flow velocity.

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Current in Spiekeroog's tidal inlet
Current data taken at a time-series station in the tidal inlet of Spiekeroog island. Centre and bottom: amount and direction of the current. Top right: vectors of the current velocity in a polar coordinate diagramme.

With satellite-borne Radar Altimetry it is possible to determine global ocean currents from the measured topography of the ocean surface. For this aspect you may find a video of several years realised by NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio with additional links as an example of a Lagrangian representation of ocean currents.