Supplement 2.6: Differentials and derivatives (2/4)

The temperature as an example of a function of several variables

On the previous page, we already established that the temperature is a function of the Cartesian coordinates x, y and z and on top of that it is a function of the time t:


The differential of the temperature is hence:

dT= T x dx+ T y dy+ T z dz+ T t dt

In order to write equations in a more simple way, we combine the Cartesian coordinates within the position vector

r =(x,y,z)

The temperature becomes then:

T=f( r ,t )

We also combine the Cartesian differentials to obtain a differential position vector

d r =(dx,dy,dz)

The same procedure applies to the derivatives by using the spatial derivative vector

=( x , y , z )

The symbol is the Nabla operator.

The differential of the temperature with these vectors is then written as follows:

dT= T t dt+d r T ,

where the multiplication symbol denotes the scalar product (or: dot product) of vectors. The spatial derivative of the temperature T is the temperature gradient

T=( T x , T y , T z )


How can we understand the two equivalent representations

dT= T x dx+ T y dy+ T z dz+ T t dt= T t dt+d r T

of the temperature differential? How can they be put into practice?

  • Starting from a given temperature field T=f(x,y,z,t)=f( r ,t ) in space and time, which is known from measured data or from a numerical model, we may calculate a temperature value T( r ',t') for a selected point in space r '=( x',y',z' ) and time t'.
  • From the temperature, we may also calculate the partial derivatives with respect to the four variables
    T x , T y , T z , T t         resp.         T, T t
    From these functions, we may calculate specific values for the partial derivatives at a selected point in space and time (r',t'). These values inform us on changes in temperature at this point that we could expect from small displacements and a small time lapse.
  • The differentials dx, dy, dz resp. dr such as dt which act as the factors, represent such changes in space and time. They permit small displacements (within infinitesimal limits) to the location r by dr, while the time dt passes.
  • Now everything is known to determine the differential dT. The temperature at another location and a further point of time is then:
    resp.                  T( r '+d r ,t'+dt)=T( r ',t')+dT

    This is discussed in task 4 with a numerical example.
Task 4: temperature in space and time
Fewer variables: snapshots and time series