Mathematics, Geography, Earth ScienceObjectives:
In this exercise you will be introduced to Image Processing Software.
- Image Processing Software ILWIS (download from
- Landsat TM Image file of the Skagen Area, Denmark
Time needed:
30 minutes for 2 training areas.
- Import the image of the Skagen Area into the Image Processing Software ILWIS:
Use Import-Import General Raster. Specify the binary file name, header size is zero, there are 4 bands, 666 columns of byte data stored in "BSQ" format and convert to ILWIS format. - Define training areas
- Extract data for these areas as text files
- Plot Frequency Distributions and histograms for this data in the different wavebands
You can get the image file as a Generic Binary file of size 666 pixels by 412 lines in four wavebands or channels, with each data value being byte data, stored in BSQ format. If you do this, and want the image to be georeferenced then add the following details to the image; UTM Zone 32 (North), spheroid - International 1909, datum, European 1950 (West Europe), Upper Left Easting - 587500.0, Upper Left Northing - 6404280.0, pixel size - 20 metres.