9. مصادر الصور
الرسوم المتحركة (انيميشن)
All animations were developed in cooperation with Gabriela Lapp.
What are the blue circles?
Source: Patrick Clement
URL: http://www.infres.enst.fr/~clement/images-satellites/
Last Access: 02.07.2009
The electromagnetic spectrum and atmospheric transmittance.
Source: with modifications from Albertz, 2007 :
Einführung in die Fernerkundung. Grundlagen der Interpretation von Luft- & Satellitenbildern.
254 pp.
The Earth in visible light (left) and in the thermal infrared (right) seen by Meteosat in 2004.
Source: Beckel L, 2007
The European Space Agency School Atlas: Geography from Space
(Salzburg: Geospace)
287 pp.
Emissions and wavelengths of different bodies.
Source: with modifications from ESA Eduspace
URL: http://www.eduspace.esa.int/eduspace/
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Spectral signatures of soil, vegetation and water.
Source: with modifications from Siegmund A & G Menz, 2005:
Fernes nah gebracht - Satelliten- und Luftbildeinsatz zur Analyse von Umweltveränderungen im Geographieunterricht
In: Geographie und Schule, 154:
Source: Satellite Imaging Corporation
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Source: DLR
Last Access: 26.11.2009
Source: Satellite Imaging Corporation
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Source: Satellite Imaging Corporation
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Crowded Orbit
Source: © 2009 AFP, www.lesoir.be
Last Access: 01.10.2009
More crowded orbits
Source: © 2009 AFP, www.lesoir.be
Last Access: 01.10.2009
True colour satellite image of LANDSAT aquired in 1999 of the region of Karlsruhe, Germany
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
False colour satellite image of LANDSAT 7 of the Rhein-Neckar region, Germany
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
NDVI in Europe
Source: DLR http://www.dlr.de/caf/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2685/4060_read-6067/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: DLR http://www.dlr.de/caf/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-2685/4060_read-6067/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Low resolution of Western Europe - METEOSAT (1km)
Copyright 2005 EUMETSAT http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/iotm/iotm/20070525_miniscans/20070525_miniscans.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Copyright 2005 EUMETSAT http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/iotm/iotm/20070525_miniscans/20070525_miniscans.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Medium resolution of Paris - Landsat 7 ETM+ (30 m)
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Medium resolution of a part of Paris - Landsat 7 ETM+ (30 m)
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Medium resolution of a part of Paris - Landsat 7 ETM+ (15 m pan)
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
High resolution of the Eiffel Tower - QuickBird (0.8 m)
Source: QuickBird Satellite Image provided by GeoEye and Satellite Imaging Corporation http://www.satimagingcorp.com/gallery/quickbird-paris-eiffel-lg.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: QuickBird Satellite Image provided by GeoEye and Satellite Imaging Corporation http://www.satimagingcorp.com/gallery/quickbird-paris-eiffel-lg.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Spatial resolution
Source: Satellite Imaging Corporation http://www.satimagingcorp.com/characterization-of-satellite-remote-sensing-systems.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Satellite Imaging Corporation http://www.satimagingcorp.com/characterization-of-satellite-remote-sensing-systems.html Last Access: 02.07.2009
Grey scale value 4/ 16/ 256.
Source: ESA Eduspace
URL: http://www.eduspace.esa.int/eduspace/
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Weather satellite images of Meteosat 7 every half an hour.
URL: http://oiswww.eumetsat.org
Last Access: 07.07.2009
Las Vegas over time in 1973, 2000 and 2006.
Source: UNEP
URL: http://na.unep.net/atlas/webatlas.php?id=83
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Schematic Presentation of the Interpretation Process.
Source: with modifications from Albertz, 2007:
Einführung in die Fernerkundung. Grundlagen der Interpretation von Luft- & Satellitenbildern.
254 pp.
Western Europe in a Satellite Image.
Source: NASA
URL: http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov:80/FEATURE/IMAGES/A2008042.WesternEurope.png
Last Access: 19.11.2009
Characteristic striping in a satellite image caused by the failure of scan rows.
Source: Naumann S, 2008:
Einführung in die Fernerkundung - Skriptum.
45 pp.
Original Data before the stretch (Part of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis)(look at the histogram at the left)
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Data after the stretch (look at the histogram at the left)
Own processing, Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
Own processing, Source: Landsat http://landsat.org/ Last Access: 02.07.2009
The Classfication Process.
Source: Naumann S, 2008:
Einführung in die Fernerkundung - Skriptum.
45 pp.
Satellite image of Tenerife in 1978/ 2002
Source: Landsat
Last Access: 02.07.2009
Classification of Tenerife of 1978/ 2002
Source: Verändert nach Naumann S, 2008b:
Modellierung der Siedlungsentwicklung auf Tenerife (Kanarische Inseln). Eine fernerkundungsgestützte Analyse zur Bewertung des touristisch induzierten Landnutzungswandels.
In: Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten, 125:
180 pp.
Satellite Image from the Karlsruhe Region and Classification
Source: Landsat
Last Access:02.07.2009
Satellite Image from the Karlsruhe Region and Classification
Source: with modifications from © LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg
Last Access: 20.07.2009
Maximum Likelihood Classification Principle.
Source: Naumann S, 2008:
Einführung in die Fernerkundung - Skriptum.
45 pp.
Shanghai in different satellite images: left: recorded by MERIS on Enivsat 2003
Source: ESA
Last Access: 25.11.2009
Shanghai in different satellite images: middle: Landsat TM 1989, right: recorded by Ikonos in May 2000
Source: Beckel L, 2007
The European Space Agency School Atlas: Geography from Space
(Salzburg: Geospace)
287 pp.
Satellite image mosaic of Europe, viewed by SPOT Vegetation in 2002
Source: Beckel L, 2007
The European Space Agency School Atlas: Geography from Space
(Salzburg: Geospace)
287 pp.
Composition of MERIS scenes of Europe
Source: Beckel L, 2007
The European Space Agency School Atlas: Geography from Space
(Salzburg: Geospace)
287 pp.
Düsseldorf in a satellite image
Source: www.flaechennutzung.nrw.de
Last Access: 01.07.2009
Düsseldorf on an classified image
Source: www.flaechennutzung.nrw.de
Last Access: 01.07.2009