
7. Additional Material

Chapter 4: Currents and Life in the Ocean

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Wind-driven upwelling

How deep water returns to the surface at the equator and in coastal upwelling regions on the eastern side of the subtropical gyres. Explanation of the main upwelling types and what causes them.


Upwelling in the Southern ocean and elsewhere

How nutrient rich deep water returns to the surface in the Southern ocean and in regions where different currents meet, giving rise to zones of high phytoplankton productivity.


predator and prey Life at the Polar Front:   How was the bloom and all the feeding activity observed by the Cape Farewell expedition related to the Polar Front between cold Arctic and warm Atlantic water?

Answer:   The bloom occurred in a narrow band of water with a temperature of about 4°C between cold polar water to the North and warm Atlantic water to the South and West.