8. Πηγές Εικόνων
Marine Pollution Quiz
ASAR wide-swath image acquired 17 November 2002 showing an oil spill originating from the stricken
Prestige tanker, lying 100 km off the Spanish coast
Last access: 09.06.2009
Thermal plume at Fawley power station outfall (Southern Coast of the UK)
MODIS image showing a red tide off the coast of Texas acquired on 29 September 2000
Last access: 19.09.2008
Two discarded metal drums sit on the sea floor in the Western Pacific
Last access: 06.11.2008
Aerial photograph of the 'Dornumer Nacken' in the German North Sea showing mussel beds
taken on 12.09.2008
Topic Overview
The Wadden Sea (North Sea) in Harlesiel, Germany
Thermal plume at Fawley power station outfall (Southern Coast of the UK)