From: Dayne Buddo [] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 4:43 PM To: Cc: Jamaica Clearing-House Subject: Permission to Use headline Dear Christina: ÿ I have no problems with you using the headline "Cargo Ships: Space Shuttles for Aliens" for this purpose. ÿ -- Regards Dayne Dear Ms. Klose, Thank you for contacting us and requesting the use of the title. However Mr. Buddo is no longer the Senior Research Officer -JaCHM. I will pass on your request to him and hopefully you will get a response shortly. Regards, Sean Townsend CHM National Focal Point BCH National Focal Point Natural History Division The Institute of Jamaica 10-16 East Street Kingston, Jamaica WI Tel: (876) 922-0620-6 ext 249 Fax: (876) 922-1147 Website: Email: From: Christina Klose [] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:26 AM To: Subject: Request for permission to use your headline "Cargo Ships: Space Shuttles for Aliens" Dear Mr. Buddo, Project SEOS - Science Education through Earth Observation for High Schools - is a two-year project for using remote sensing in science education curricula in high schools and is implemented by 11 different partners from several European countries in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA). Based on current research results, 15 internet-based eLearning tutorials will be developed on selected topics in earth observation, covering many disciplines such as physics, biology, geography, mathematics and engineering, and focusing on the interdisciplinary character of remote sensing. One of the tutorials is about marine pollution, covering among others the problem of marine invasive species. I read your paper "Cargo Ships: Space Shuttles for Aliens" and I would like to ask for your permission to use this headline in our tutorial as it seems very appealing for students. Rest assured that we would acknowledge you correctly. I would be very thankful for a positive answer. Yours sincerely, Christina Klose *************************************************** Dr. Christina Klose Geographer Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Institute of Physics - Marine Physics - D - 26111 Oldenburg Phone: (++49 441) 798 - 3524 Fax: (++49 441) 798 - 3340 E-Mail: ***************************************************