Litter in the Oceans


Every year large amounts of solid matter end up in the sea, either intentionally disposed or accidentally lost.

drifting television sets in the sea
Drifting television sets in the sea.
Photo: French Navy. Source: Cedre

Synthetic substances have been replacing many natural, more degradable, materials and this trend is continuing. As most of them are buoyant and persistent, they present a threat to living organisms and the marine environment.

Sea urchin with discarded plastic cutlery
Sea urchin with discarded plastic cutlery in the Carribean.
Photo: Kay Wilson, Indigo Dive Academy St.Vincent and the Grenadines / Marine Photobank

On the other hand litter can also support life in the sea by providing additional surfaces for encrusting organisms and shelter for mobile species.

drifting television sets in the sea
Tires were dumped into the North Atlantic Ocean off Fort Lauderdale in Florida in the 1970s in an attempt to establish an artificial reef.
Photo: Steve Spring / Marine Photobank

In this chapter you can learn about:

  • how litter ends up in the ocean

  • the characteristics of litter

  • what happens to different substances in sea water

  • harm and value of litter in the oceans

  • whether there is a role for remote sensing in the detection and montitoring of litter