Intensity of Holiday Trips
The intensity of holiday trips is interpreted as the proportion of the population older than 14 years that makes at least one holiday trip for at least five days per year. The intensity of short holiday trips refers to the proportion of the population older than 14 years taking a short holiday trip (from two to four days) per year.

Source: Hopfinger 2007
The intensity of holiday trips has increased continuously since the 1950s and ranges from 72 to 78% for the past 30 years in Germany.
"Holiday trips became a consumer good, that is part of the lifestyle and one is only willing to do without it under certain circumstances." (Hopfinger 2007: 726, translated)
Task: Is this statement relevant to you? If yes, why and if not, why not?

Source: IKONOS Satellite Image provided by GeoEye and Satellite Imaging Corporation