8. Créditos de imagem
Introdução e conteúdo
Um fazendeiro caminha em um lago seco nos arredores de Baokang ...,
URL: http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg33/alireza1_photo/74_RTR1QNJ3.jpg,
Last access: 13.05.2009
Capítulo 1: Monitoramento de Plantíos
Perda de clorofila em uma folha (clorose),
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Leaf_1_web.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Desenvolvimento de um fungo como o Uncinula Necator ...,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Powdery_mildew.JPG,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Efeitos da ferrugem da soja (fungo Phakospora) nas folhas da soja,
Wikimedia Commons and US Agricultural Research Service,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Soybean_rust.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Efeitos do fungo Cercospora na folha,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/nelsons/coffee/leafspot3.JPG,
Last access: 13.05.2009
Estrutura e esporos do fungo Fusarium verticilliodes,
Wikimedia Commons and Centre for Disease Control and Prevention / Dr. Libero Ajello ,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Fusarium_verticillioides_01.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Efeitos da deficiência de nitrogênio nas folhas,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spitskool_stikstofgebrek_(nitrogen_deficiency)_Brassica_
oleracea_convar._capitata_var._alba.jpg, Last access: 13.05.2009
oleracea_convar._capitata_var._alba.jpg, Last access: 13.05.2009
Deficiência de nitrogênio nas folhas de milho,
Government of Ontario, Canada, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, © Queen's Printer for Ontario,
URL: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/pub811/images/3nitrof2.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Deficiência de manganês em uma folha de rosa,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/images/cd0006/404/cd0006-326.jpeg,
Last access: 13.05.2009
A aeronave Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM operada pelo Centro Aeroespacial Alemão (DLR),
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC - UK),
URL: http://arsf.nerc.ac.uk/images/d-calm3.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
dentificação de vegetação estressada a partir de dados AVIRIS,
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
URL: http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/PAPERS.veg1/slv.veg+stress.labels.tgif.gif,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Campos agrícolas como vistos pelo satélite IKONOS (imagens em cores verdadeiras e falsas),
Belgian Science Policy Office and Satellite Imaging Corporation
Variações da saúde das culturas nos campos, usando dados do QuickBird,
Satellite Imaging Corporation,
URL: http://www.satimagingcorp.com/media/images/4.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Estoma em uma folha de tomate,
Wikipedia Commons,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Tomato_leaf_stomate_1-color.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Teor de umidade nos campos de cultivo com imagens térmicas,
Wikimedia Commons and US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service,
URL: http://www.angielenvirosafe.com/index_files/PlantStress.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Resposta da vegetação à irrigação e seus efeitos decrescentes ao longo do tempo,
Satellite Imaging Corporation,
URL: http://www.satimagingcorp.com/media/images/agriculture-5.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Mapeamento do delta do rio Mississippi, identificando as áreas mais prováveis onde os insetos podem atacar,
Environmental Health Perspectives,
URL: http://www.ehponline.org/docs/2000/108-3/innovationsfig_mapB.GIF,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Larvas de mariposa comendo uma folha. O dano pode ser detectado com sensoriamento remoto,
Mel Evans, Associated Press,
URL: http://www.ncagr.gov/plantindustry/plant/entomology/images/GM_larvae_defoliation_AP.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Capítulo 2: Estimativa de Safras
Um campo de cevada,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Barley_field-2007-02-22%28large%29.jpg,
Last access: 12.12.2008
Composição falsa-cor de imagem SPOT de campos agrícolas na Itália,
Satellite Imaging Corporation and SPOT Image Corporation
Imagem SPOT de campos de cultura perto de Berzdorf Lake (Maio 2005),
Satellite Imaging Corporation and SPOT Image Corporation
Composição colorida falsa-cor, SPOT 5, de campos de cultivo perto do lago Berzdorf em Saxônia, Alemanha,
Satellite Imaging Corporation and SPOT Image Corporation
Uma camada vetorial dos limites espaciais sobreposta a uma imagem de satélite em cores reais ...,
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Capítulo 3: Identificação de Espécies
Fileiras de campos cultivados com diferentes espécies vegetais,
Wikimedia Commons,
URL: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:R%C3%A9union_Dosd%27%C3%82ne_Lettuces.jpg,
Last access: 14.05.2009
Um mapa vectorial superposto a ima imagem de satélite mostrando diferentes campos,
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Imagem IKONOS-2 de uma área rural em Eloyes, ao sul de Estrassburgo, França,
© 2004, DigitalGlobe
Campo de cultivo em Bélgica, em maio,
© 2005 Space Imaging Europe
Os mesmo campos agrícolas, em agosto,
© Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2007
Um dossel da floresta,
URL: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AnshiForestCanopy.jpg,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Wikimedia Commons
Um tipo de pastagem,
URL: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nyika_grassland.jpg,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Wikimedia Commons
Imagens em cor verdadeira e falsa-cor de um bosque e uma pastagem na França,
© 2004 DigitalGlobe
Parte do vale de San Luis. Imagem de satélite (cor verdadeira),
Google Earth
Classificação de uma imagem mostrando os vários tipos de culturas,
URL: http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/PAPERS/tetracorder/,
Last access: 18.05.2009
U.S. Geological Survey
Diferentes camadas de informações em um GIS, empilhadas,
URL: http://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/technology/gis,
Last access: 18.05.2009
National Coastal Data Development Centre (NCDDC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA
Pontos, linhas e polígonos em um mapa de GIS,
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Simple_vector_map.svg,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Wikimedia Commons
Mapa de elevação com isolinhas,
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gislayers.jpg,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Wikimedia Commons
Capítulo 4: Agricultura de Precisão
Agricultural tractor used in precision agriculture.,
URL: http://www.claas.com/omaha/generator/cl-pw/us/products/combines-rotary/lexion-590-595-r/yield-mapping/start,lang=en_US-OMAHA.html,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Agricultural Research Service, USDA
GPS receiver.,
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Magellan_GPS_Blazer12.jpg,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Wikimedia Commons
Maps of harvest population and crop yield developed from combine-mounted population sensor and yield monitor data collected at 1-second intervals (Missouri, 1996).,
URL: http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/1999/5-5-1999/cornpopsense.html,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Integrated Crop Management newsletter, Iowa State University
Combine with sensors for recording reflectance.,
URL: http://nue.okstate.edu/VRT_rig_pictures.htm#recognize_scale,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Oklahoma State University
Adjustment of ultra-low volume herbicide applicators. With this method the use of chemicals in agriculture is greatly reduced.,
URL: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/PrecisionFarming/precision_farming3.php,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Keith Weller, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Variable-rate applications.,
URL: http://nue.okstate.edu/VRT_rig_pictures.htm#recognize_scale,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Oklahoma State University
Mapping of Mississippi River delta, identifying the most probable areas where insects might attack.,
URL: http://www.ehponline.org/docs/2000/108-3/innovations.html,
Last access: 18.05.2009
Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 108 (3), March 2000 and ITD-Spectral Visions/NASA
High spatial resolution false colour image and the derived percent ground cover.,
URL: http://webpages.acs.ttu.edu/smaas/pag_projects.htm,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Stephan J. Maas, Texas Technical University
High spatial resolution false colour image and the derived percent ground cover.,
URL: http://webpages.acs.ttu.edu/smaas/pag_projects.htm,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Stephan J. Maas, Texas Technical University
Pattern of variable requirements for irrigation within one field (green is high, yellow is average, red is low water content) as seen from the QuckBird satellite.,
URL: http://www.satimagingcorp.com/svc/agriculture.html,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Satellite Imaging Corporation and DigitalGlobe
A tractor,
URL: http://www.precisionpays.com/topics/precision-in-practice/page/2/,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Precision Pays website
Sensors (top) and variable-rate applicators (bottom) on a combine.,
URL: http://nue.okstate.edu/VRT_rig_pictures.htm#recognize_scale,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Oklahoma State University
Soybeans stunted by sting nematode infestation. The pest does not affect all plants equally.,
URL: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/IN395,
Last access: 19.05.2009
University of Florida
Soil test of phosphorus, potassium and pH for a central Missouri (USA) farm. (Blue to red is low to high for the concentrations and acidic to alkaline for the acidity).,
URL: http://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=WQ450,
Last access: 19.05.2009
Davis, G., Casady, W. and Massey, R., 1998, Precision Agriculture: An Introduction, University of Missouri