10. For Teachers

Teacher information about the tutorial

The page Information for teachers gives a short overview over the tutorial, its topics and usability in class.

Worksheets: Chapter 1: Global Land Use Change

In the worksheet Global Land Use Change a comparison of global land cover in 2000 and the potential vegetation cover is examined and analysed.

Chapter 2: Urbanisation

The worksheet Increase of Mega Cities deals with analysing the spatial distribution of mega cities and their increase in number over time.

Through a group puzzle in the worksheet Los Angeles the ethically diverse city can be analysed and presented in your class.

The task of the worksheet Mexico City is to plan an environmentally friendly excursion through inner Mexico City with the help of links, a satellite image and a map of Mexico City.

The worksheet about London asks the students to write a newspaper article and a letter to the editor about one of the various topics about the global city of London.

In the worksheet Johannesburg, the students should compare a Gated Community with a Township. After summarizing a definition, they should explain why such neighborhoods did develop and which problems and challenges lie within.

The worksheet Mumbai cover the "Vision Mumbai", a plan to transform Mumbai into a world-class city by 2013. In a panel discussion different view of this vision should be discussed.

Chapter 3: Syndromes of global change

The Land Clearance worksheets analysis the change of land cover of a part of Rondonia, Brazil by comparing three satellite images of the same area.

The task in worksheet The Aggradation of the Aral Sea is to write an article about the shrinking lake in a scientific or lurid language.

The worksheet The Escondida Mine deals with newspaper articles about water supply and endangering flamingos. The students should evaluate these and justify their view.

Task of the worksheet about Conservatories in the Almeria region is an experiment about the greenhouse effect and its use in agriculture.

Chapter 4: Mass tourism

In the worksheet Tenerife the change of land use is analysed by comparing a land use classification of 1978 and 2002. The areas where changes are most visible should be identified and marked on a satellite image.

The worksheet Tenerife - Location and Climate looks at the geographical location and climate of the Canary Island.

The task of the worksheet Presentation of Mass Tourism is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of selected topics on mass tourism.